A few days ago I did this really interesting experiment, where I tested to see how flouride (F) in toothpaste can protect your teeth from ACID ATTACK (dum-dum-daaaarrr).
First I filled a small bowl with toothpaste (make sure the toothpaste has flouride in it). Then put the egg in it so only half the egg is covered. Leave it there for four days.
AFTER four days take the egg out and gently wash it. Put the egg in a cup of white whine vinegar. Recommended to leave it in the cup for seven hours, but we did it over night.This is the egg in the vinegar.
AFTER seven hours OR over night, take it out. The egg should have one side (the one with no toothpaste on) all squashy and squishy, and the other side (the one WITH toothpaste) should be very hard. It was squashy squishy because it had no protection from the flouride, and the acid melted the shell which is made up of calcium, like a tooth.
SO brushing your teeth with toothpaste that has flouride in it does help to protect your teeth from ACID ATTACK (dum-dum-daaaarrr). Since the 1960s, flouride is also sometimes added to drinking water, to help people to protect their teeth.This is the egg after being taken out of the vinegar.
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