Today I made a boat made of only four things: Acetate, cardboard, leaves, and masking tape. What I did:
I first cut out the shape of the boat on acetate. Then I put on the cardboard sides and covered the whole thing in masking tape. Then, if you want, cover it (again) all over with silver foil. Note: if you cover it in foil, it will make it water-proof but you will not be able to have the sails.
To make the sails, find three dock leaves. Make sure one of them are smaller than the other two. Then tape them into the boat.
Fill 1/2 big bowl with water and put the boat in. Does it float? Yes? If it does, try to modify it so it can hold 25 pennies and still float for ten seconds.
FOR MORE COOL THINGS THAT YOU CAN BUILD, GO TO DESIGN SQUAD!The plans (I didn't do the figurehead.)